Upcoming Events



We’ll be holding our popular Deep Roots Dinner fundraising gala again this fall, complete with catering by a fine local chef featuring fresh local produce, an open bar featuring excellent local wine and craft beer, and live music from some of Mid-Missouri’s favorite local musicians. So please stay tuned for more information about this wonderful event as we get closer to the fall and firm up our plans!



We are planning to continue our longstanding tradition of partnering with Local Motion and CoMo Trail Association to host our well-loved Hinkson Happy Hour event again this year at Greenbelt’s Hinkson Valley Nature Preserve. We’ll be doing this outside of the annual Bike, Walk & Wheel Week festivities this year, though, so please be on the lookout for more information as we schedule this event for a bit later in the year!

Shop-and-give benefit at poppy

sATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2024

As part of The District’s annual Spring Shop Hop event in downtown Columbia, our longtime friends at Poppy Made By Hand, located at 920 E. Broadway, will be hosting a shop-and-give benefit on our behalf by donating a portion of the day’s sales between 10 am and 6 pm to Greenbelt Land Trust of Mid-Missouri. So everyone in Mid-Missouri who supports conservation and appreciates artisan-made goods, gifts, and art is encouraged to head to downtown Columbia on April 27th in order to enjoy exploring Poppy's array of fine crafts, do some shopping for oneself or for that special someone, and feel good about supporting both an amazing local business as well as Greenbelt's mission of permanently protecting Mid-Missouri's distinctive landscapes.


sATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2024

In conjunction with the University of Missouri’s annual Caring for Columbia initiative, Greenbelt Land Trust will be holding a stewardship workday at our Spring Valley Nature Preserve on the west side of Columbia to remove invasive species such as wintercreeper from this small but intensively-used and highly-enjoyed neighborhood preserve. Members and friends of Greenbelt Land Trust are invited to join Mizzou student volunteers, Greenbelt staff and Board members, and neighborhood residents in this cooperative volunteer effort. In addition, due to the generosity of the preserve’s neighbors, lunch, snacks, and refreshments are expected to be offered (for free!). So please let us know if you will be able to join us, or else please feel free simply to show up and we’ll be happy to include you in the fun!



Members of Greenbelt Land Trust in good standing are invited to attend our 2023 Annual Members’ Meeting, which will be held at 6:15 pm on November 15th at Shakespeare’s South, 3911 Peachtree Drive, in Columbia. Come for the pizza (our treat!) and stay for a brief program that will include both some necessary organizational housekeeping business (namely, the formal appointment of new Board members) as well as some brief informational presentations by folks from Greenbelt, Root Cellar, and the Loop CID/CoMo Cooks about our Local Food Promotion Program partnership which constitutes a portion of Greenbelt’s Working Lands Initiative. The Annual Members’ Meeting is not a fundraiser, and nobody is expected to contribute (or bring) anything, so all current members of Greenbelt are welcome to simply show up and enjoy good food, mingle with friends, conduct some routine business, and hear about some of what we’ve been up to recently!



To celebrate our 30th anniversary this year, Greenbelt Land Trust is excited to announce that we're bringing back our popular Deep Roots Dinner this fall after a long Covid-induced hiatus. This event is a great way to enjoy delicious food prepared by an acclaimed local chef using fresh local ingredients; to sample craft beers and wines from an award-winning local producer; to listen to wonderful music performed by some favorite local musicians; to participate in silent auctions of unique items donated by local businesses; and, perhaps most importantly, to catch up with friends and colleagues in the local conservation community.


Get Involved

Greenbelt Land Trust of Mid-Missouri relies on volunteers to help steward the sites managed by the organization. Our work days create opportunities for local service groups, neighbors, student groups and others to help protect open space, restore habitat and enjoy time outdoors. Greenbelt volunteers connect with conservation, Missouri plants and wildlife, and stewardship principles through hands-on activities.

To be notified about upcoming events and work day opportunities, please subscribe to our mailing list.


To coordinate a large group volunteer project, please contact Nick Shapiro at nshapiro@greenbeltmissouri.org.